Just before he died, he called his son Tobiah and Tobiah's seven sons, and gave him this command: "Son, take your children and flee into Media, for I believe God's word which was spoken by Nahum against Nineveh. It shall all happen, and shall overtake Assyria and Nineveh; indeed, whatever was said by Israel's prophets, whom God commissioned, shall occur. Not one of all the oracles shall remain unfulfilled, but everything shall take place in the time appointed for it. So it will be safer in Media than in Assyria or Babylon. For I know and believe that whatever God has spoken will be accomplished. It shall happen, and not a single word of the prophecies shall prove false." (Tobit 14: 3-4)
A long period of peace and prosperity is coming to an end. Tobiah and Sarah have been blessed with seven sons - and perhaps some daughters as well - health, wealth, and happiness.
Given the demands of parenting, marriage, and commerce there have probably been moments of worry along the way. But nothing worth mentioning.
Tobit perceives with the eyes of faith that dark days are ahead. Reading the prophecies and watching events unfold, he urges his family to seek safety outside of Nineveh.
God has blessed Tobit. But Tobit and his family remain vulnerable. The world continues to be a dangerous place. Empires rise and fall. Stock markets rise and fall.
We are to watch. We are to consider our options. We are to pray. We are to listen. We are to discern. We are to act as we understand God intends.

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