Raphael said to Tobiah before he reached his father: "I am certain that his eyes will be opened. Smear the fish gall on them. This medicine will make the cataracts shrink and peel off from his eyes; then your father will again be able to see the light of day." ...Tobit got up and stumbled out through the courtyard gate. Tobiah went up to him with the fish gall in his hand, and holding him firmly, blew into his eyes. "Courage, father," he said. Next he smeared the medicine on his eyes, and it made them smart. Then, beginning at the corners of Tobit's eyes, Tobiah used both hands to peel off the cataracts. (Tobit 11: 7-8, 10-13)
Despite what Raphael has said, we know that fish gall does not cure cataracts.
But having faith in his friend and hope for his father's healing, Tobiah does as Raphael instructs.
Raphael communicates his confidence. Tobiah urges courage.
Hope and courage do not always win the day. But they can help.
Success is more likely if we can envision an outcome, are motivated to achieve the outcome, and take action.
Our action is even more likely to be successful if our vision is coherent with God's intent.
Above is Tobias Returns Sight to His Father by Rembrandt.
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