Saturday, March 1, 2008

Then they left and began their return journey. When they were near Kaserin, just before Nineveh, Raphael said: "You know how we left your father. Let us hurry on ahead of your wife to prepare the house while the rest of the party are still on the way." So they both went on ahead and Raphael said to Tobiah, "Have the gall in your hand!" And the dog ran along behind them. (Tobit 11: 1-4)

Tobiah is nearing Nineveh. He has retrieved his father's treasure. He has married a beautiful woman. He has received half the estate of his wife's rich father. He has achieved much more than he set out to do.

But Raphael's task is not yet completed.

God is in relationship with Tobit and Sarah. When they pray, God responds. One response is to initiate the friendship of Tobiah and Raphael. This relationship enables every other aspect of the story.

Does the dog play a role?

Addicted to metaphor, I see a possible moral lesson. The dog will follow his master anywhere. Being faithful to his father, Tobiah undertakes the journey. Being faithful to her father, Sarah does not kill herself. Fidelity nurtures success.

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