Monday, March 10, 2008

Stricken with fear, the two men fell to the ground. But Raphael said to them: "No need to fear; you are safe. Thank God now and forever. As for me, when I came to you it was not out of any favor on my part, but because it was God's will. So continue to thank him every day; praise him with song. Even though you watched me eat and drink, I did not really do so; what you were seeing was a vision. So now get up from the ground and praise God. Behold, I am about to ascend to him who sent me; write down all these things that have happened to you." When Raphael ascended they rose to their feet and could no longer see him. They kept thanking God and singing his praises; and they continued to acknowledge these marvelous deeds which he had done when the angel of God appeared to them. (Tobit 12: 16-22)

Thank God. Praise God. Give thanks every day. Praise God with song.

This is the sacrifice we are asked to bring to God.

Other offerings and sacrifices may be meaningful to us. Other gifts may help us express our thanks and praise. Other means of sacrifice may contribute to the work of God. Other gifts may flow naturally from giving thanks and praise.

But God asks only that we give thanks and offer praise.

In Psalm 50 God speaks,

If I were hungry, I would not tell you,
for the world and all that is in it is mine.
Do I eat the flesh of bulls,
or drink the blood of goats?
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
and pay your vows to the Most High.
Call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me...
Those who bring thanksgiving as their sacrifice honour me;
to those who set a way
I will show the salvation of God.

Surely this is an easy sacrifice. Is it even a sacrifice? If so, only of our pride. For we are instructed to participate in the joy of a loving relationship with our Creator.

To the right is Raphael Ascending by Rembrandt. Please click on the picture and a larger view will open in another browser window.

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