Thursday, February 7, 2008

The angel then told him: "Cut the fish open and take out its gall, heart, and liver, and keep them with you; but throw away the entrails. Its gall, heart, and liver make useful medicines." After the lad had cut the fish open, he put aside the gall, heart, and liver. Then he broiled and ate part of the fish; the rest he salted and kept for the journey. (Tobit 6:5-6)

It was Tobiah who caught the fish. It is Tobiah who cuts and cleans the fish. Tobiah broils and salts the fish.

Did the angel bring him to this river bank to catch this specific fish? The text is not clear. The angel does encourage and instruct. But the work is left to Tobiah.

My own sense - or perhaps preference - is that as we make the journey there are many opportunities to find what we need.

But recognizing what we need and having the skill to claim it benefits from the help, insight, and inspiration of others.

Tobiah does not know Azariah is an angel. I wonder if every angel is self-aware of being such?

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