Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Raguel then promptly handed over to Tobiah Sarah his wife, together with half of all his property: male and female slaves, oxen and sheep, asses and camels, clothing, money, and household goods. Bidding them farewell, he let them go. He embraced Tobiah and said to him: "Good-bye, my son. Have a safe journey. May the Lord of heaven grant prosperity to you and to your wife Sarah. And may I see children of yours before I die!" Then he kissed his daughter Sarah and said to her: "My daughter, honor your father-in-law and your mother-in-law, because from now on they are as much your parents as the ones who brought you into the world. Go in peace, my daughter; let me hear good reports about you as long as I live." Finally he said good-bye to them and sent them away. (Tobit 10: 10-12)

When Tobiah politely insists Raguel readily defers.

He is giving away his only child and half of all his property, yet Raguel does so without further delay or obvious regret.

Raguel does not say, "visit soon." Rather he says "let me hear good reports about you." It was likely, he realized, that he would never see Sarah again.

Adam and Eve, Jesus, Francis of Assisi and many others have shown us the power of handing over, giving away, and freely sharing.

Too often what I have received as a gift I treat as if I have earned.

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