Saturday, February 9, 2008

When they had entered Media and were getting close to Ecbatana, Raphael said to the boy, "Brother Tobiah!" He answered, "Yes, what is it?" Raphael continued: "Tonight we must stay with Raguel, who is a relative of yours. He has a daughter named Sarah, but no other child. Since you are Sarah's closest relative, you before all other men have the right to marry her. Also, her father's estate is rightfully yours to inherit. Now the girl is sensible, courageous, and very beautiful; and her father loves her dearly." (Tobit 6:10-12)

Tobiah, it seems, is as much the agent of God's will as Raphael. Tobiah can make the journey, catch the fish, banish the demon, marry Sarah, and return with a cure for cataracts and even more wealth than Tobit anticipated.

It makes me wonder if Tobiah had a prayer? Is it only coincidence - perhaps convenience - by which he will serve as the agent of so much good?

Tobiah began the journey in obedience to his father, in his own self-interest, and perhaps with a sense of adventure. Raphael is now inviting Tobiah to an entirely new purpose with consequences Tobiah cannot fully anticipate.

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