Saturday, January 19, 2008

That same day Tobit remembered the money he had deposited with Gabael at Rages in Media, and he thought, "Now that I have asked for death, why should I not call my son Tobiah and let him know about this money before I die?" (Tobit 4:1-2)

The implication is that God has caused Tobit to remember, setting in motion a divine plan.

"On the same day, at Ecbatana in Media, it so happened that Raguel's daughter Sarah also had to listen to abuse."

"In the very moment that Tobit returned from the courtyard to his house, Raguel's daughter Sarah came downstairs from her room."

We are - at least I am - fascinated by coincidence, the intersection of seemingly unrelated events in a manner that adds meaning to each.

The author of Tobit shares my fascination.

Carl Jung developed a theory of Synchronicity or meaningful coincidence. For Jung the coincidental can be an instance of our inner and outer selves being integrated.

For Jung coincidence is often present, but seldom perceived.

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